A partnership between Al Thuraya Holdings (ATH) and Italy-based firm, G7 International

It is our pleasure to announce the partnership between Al Thuraya Holdings (ATH) and Italy-based firm, G7 International (https://www.g7international.com/) . Strategic organizations like ATH rely heavily on their subsidiary companies, partners and trusted advisors to help build strong and effective practices to support their customers globally. We are committed to promoting responsible business management, sustainable business models and ethical business practice. This partnership with G7 International is a great way for us to interact with businesses, entrepreneurs and government as it enables us to provide practical opportunities for innovation. Together, G7 International, ATH and its subsidiaries among which Al Thuraya Consultancy and ICESERVE24, is the sum of diverse expertise – bringing multiple perspectives and deep experience to bear on our clients’ behalf. Our expertise reflects our backgrounds as technologists, lawyers, investigators, cyber experts, strategy consultants, intelligence officers and a host of other professions. It is this combination that makes this partnership relevant and distinctive.



Annunciamo con grande entusiasmo la partnership tra il nostro gruppo Al Thuraya Holdings (ATH) e la società italiana G7 International (https://www.g7international.com/). Organizzazioni strategiche come ATH attribuiscono un enorme valore alle proprie realtà consociate, controllate, ai propri partners strategici e consulenti di fiducia, in quanto a veicolo indispensabile per poter supportare in modo efficace i propri clienti globalmente. Ci impegniamo sempre a promuovere e perseguire una gestione aziendale responsabile, modelli di business sostenibili e pratiche commerciali condotte all’insegna dell’etica. ATH, con le proprie consociate tra cui Al Thuraya Consultancy, ICESERVE24, insieme a G7 International, rappresentano la somma di competenze diversificate, e sono in grado di offrire molteplici prospettive e una profonda esperienza per i nostri clienti. La nostra esperienza riflette il nostro background internazonale di consulenti legali, tecnici, operatori umanitari, investigatori, esperti cyber, analisti ed ex funzionari dell’intelligence, e una miriade di altre professioni. Una combinazione che sancisce il carattere distintivo di questa partnership.